Regular Price $129
This set of 6 layered .psd backgrounds are created with the Marching Band in Mind sized 16x16 or 16x20 @ 300 dpi. Includes Flute, Trumpet, Sax, and Clarinet. Multiple layers that can be masked and manipulated to completely change the look of the background. 2 have Antiquing layers to add interest to the finished product. The layered format gives you the ultimate flexibility to add quickly to your montages. The backgrounds include the instrument on it's own layer with a mask that has been "Woodyized" meaning his signature brushwork has been pre-applied for you! You can modify this layer however you want to fit your own style, simply by applying different brushstrokes. He has also included How to Videos on how to use these backgrounds and hit the ground running. Woody used the Fine Art 2 Brushes and Lightning Brushes and Masks to add interest to the backgrounds.